Visiting Sequoia National Park is a mystical experience. With its tall trees, wildflower meadows, and epic viewpoints, Sequoia National Park perfectly represents the awe and splendor of California. Here’s a 1 to 2 day Sequoia National Park itinerary to help you make the most of this impressive place.

Why Visit Sequoia National Park?

See giant trees. Sequoia has some of the largest and tallest trees in the world. It’s hard to describe the beauty and majesty of these trees until you’re standing in front of them.

Experience incredible views. If you climb to the top of Moro Rock in Sequoia, you’ll be treated to amazing 360-degree views of the trees and mountains.

Interesting Facts About Sequoia National Park

  • Sequoia National Park is home to the largest tree in the world (by volume) — General Sherman Tree — as well as thousands of other huge and ancient sequoias.
  • General Sherman Tree is about 2,200 years old.
  • Giant sequoia trees can live for more than 3,000 years.
  • Sequoia National Park is the second national park ever established in the United States (technically, it’s the fourth, as two others were established before Sequoia [Mackinac and Rock Creek] but both those parks have since been decommissioned or merged).
author looking up at trees in Sequoia National Park
Sequoia National Park

Your Perfect 1 to 2 Day Itinerary in Sequoia National Park

Visit one day: Within Sequoia National Park, most of the main attractions are fairly close together, so it can be easy to hit all of them within one day.

The issue is that the drive TO Sequoia National Park can take a pretty long time, depending on where you’re coming from.

Visit two days: If you do have a long drive coming in, I’d recommend taking it easy the first day, staying the night at Wuksachi Lodge in Sequoia, and then getting a head start in the morning, before all the daytrippers and crowds arrive.

Drive to Sequoia

Sequoia National Park is nestled up in the Sierra Mountains. It takes about an hour to reach it from Three Rivers, an unincorporated community at the foothills. The road is windy, curving over cliff sides, hugging the mountain. But once you emerge into the park, you’ll drive past gorgeous sequoia trees that seem magical. The drive is worth it, don’t worry.

We drove from Southern California, so it took us almost six hours to make it to Sequoia National Park. To break up the long drive, we made a few stops on the way.

Some Pit Stops on the Drive:

driving by trees in Sequoia National Park
Sequoia National Park

Visit the General Sherman Tree 

Length: 1 mile, round trip
Difficulty: Easy

The Giant Forest Museum was designed to serve as the starting point for visitors to the grove, according to the NPS site, so why not start your Sequoia journey here?

After learning the stories of the giant sequoias, head to the General Sherman Tree, which is the largest tree in the world by volume.

It’s 275 feet tall and 36 feet in diameter at the base. It’s a very impressive tree and definitely worth a visit. Pay your respects to the tree — it’s been here a lot longer than us and will continue on long after we’re gone.

The trail to the General Sherman Tree is about a half-mile long. It’s paved and quite popular. We arrived in late afternoon, and there were parking spaces open, but best to come during non-peak times.

It’s nice to start with an easy hike at the General Sherman Tree Trail in order to stretch your legs. But do take it easy because the elevation is 7,000 feet so you may need to get accustomed to it first.

General Sherman Tree
General Sherman Tree
author in front of General Sherman Tree
General Sherman Tree

Hike the Congress Trail

Length: 2.7 miles
Difficulty: Easy

If a half-mile trail is not long enough for you, you can continue walking along the Congress Trail, which is about 2.7 miles round trip. It branches off from the Sherman Tree Trail and passes through more giant sequoias.

Stay Overnight?

If you had a long drive coming in, I’d recommend calling it day at this point, grabbing some dinner, and settling into your lodgings. Save the other activities in Sequoia for tomorrow as they’re best done in the early morning when crowds are minimal. You’ll have a much better experience, trust me.

However, if you are only doing a day trip to Sequoia, keep exploring.

road surrounded by trees in Sequoia National Park
Sequoia National Park

Climb Moro Rock

Difficulty: Moderate
Length: 0.5 miles, 350 steps

Climbing Moro Rock is sure to be a highlight, so definitely don’t miss this. You’ll be treated to incredible 360-degree views.

There are more than 350 steps to the top of Moro Rock, and it’s about a half-mile long. Though it’s short, it can be strenuous with the amount of stairs. Take breaks and enjoy the views going up.

Get to Moro Rock first thing in the morning as the small parking lot fills up fast. You can also use the shuttle bus, which runs daily in the summer. The NPS site says that on summer weekends the road to Moro Rock is closed off entirely, and you’ll have to take a free shuttle to reach it.

stairway to Moro Rock
Moro Rock
viewpoint on Moro Rock
Moro Rock
viewpoint on Moro Rock
Moro Rock
viewpoint on Moro Rock
Moro Rock

Drive through Tunnel Log

Tunnel Log is a fallen tree with a car-sized hole in its trunk. It fell on the roadway and was too large to move, so a hole was cut. People have been driving through it since 1935. Visit Tunnel Log in the morning if you’d like to have a picture without a line of cars behind you. That way you’ll be able to park and get out and take a proper photo.

posing in tunnel log
Tunnel Log

Wander around Crescent Meadow

Length: 1.5 miles
Difficulty: Easy

There is a 1.5-mile, flat, loop trail around Crescent Meadow that sounds just magical in the morning sun. The meadow features pretty wildflowers, plants, and trees.

However, bears also enjoy Crescent Meadow. We saw a few during our visit. Even though we were disappointed to have to return to the parking lot, it’s best to respect wildlife and give them their space. Instead, we found a sequoia grove in a different area to explore a bit.

I hope you can experience a bear-free Crescent Meadow, but be on your guard, in any case. Consider bringing bear bells, as well. Read the NPS’s tips for encountering bears in the wild.

watching a bear from afar at Crescent Meadow
A bear at Crescent Meadow

Visit Hospital Rock

As you leave Sequoia National Park, be sure to make one more stop on the way out.

Hospital Rock, which is more toward the foothills, is a historical Native American site. A community of hundreds of people once lived here, and signs of their presence are all around in the form of petroglyphs, pictographs, historic fire pits, and artifacts. There are some informational signs that explain the history here.

There are also picnic benches, restrooms, and a nearby river. It was a really interesting stop.

petroglyphs at Hospital Rock
Hospital Rock petroglyphs

More Things to Do in Sequoia National Park

With an extra day, you can visit Tokopah Falls, the tallest waterfall in Sequoia National Park; tour Crystal Cave (currently closed); and/or hike another of the trails in the park. I wished we had stayed an extra day in order to rest more and enjoy the park. Staying only one night felt too rushed.

Where to Stay in Sequoia National Park

I’d highly recommend staying at Wuksachi Lodge, which is the only lodging in Sequoia National Park. There are 102 guest rooms, and they book up quickly, especially during summer months.

There’s a restaurant here as well as a small store. It’s very convenient staying here as the park is right at your doorstep. You don’t have to drive an hour down the mountain and an hour back up in the morning to keep exploring. You also get first access to the trail parking lots before they fill up with the day-tripper crowds.

If the lodge is booked for your ideal dates, keep checking as cancellations often occur. I honestly wouldn’t bother coming to Sequoia National Park unless I had a room booked at Wuksachi Lodge.

For the campers, there are several campgrounds in Sequoia National Park. Check the NPS website for more information on camping.

A deer in bushes
A deer near Wuksachi Lodge

Where to Eat in Sequoia National Park

In Sequoia National Park, you have a few options of where to dine:

How to Get to Sequoia National Park

For California or local visitors: It can take a few hours to reach Kings Canyon National Park, which is up in the Sierra Nevada mountains, depending on where you’re coming from. California is a huge state.

I live in the LA area, so it took about 7 hours for me, not including all the stops for gas and lunch. (I also had to stop in Fresno first to meet up with friends who were coming along from NorCal.) So the first day of my trip was just getting there.

For out-of-state or international visitors: The closest international airport to Kings Canyon National Park is Fresno Yosemite International Airport. It’s about a one-hour drive from there to reach Grant Grove.

It’s a windy, mountain road, so be careful. I’d suggest downloading directions to your phone so you can use it without service. YES, you will need a rental car. Public transportation is nearly non-existent here, unfortunately.

Sequoia National Park

Before You Go: Check Current Conditions

Check for any road closures on the official NPS website. Roads are often closed during winter due to snow, and sometimes, in summer, roads can be closed due to fire. Always check current conditions before setting out.

Entry Fees

It costs $35 per vehicle to enter Sequoia National Park, and your entry is valid for one week.

If you plan to visit more than three national parks in a year, definitely get an America the Beautiful pass to save money.

Frequently Asked Questions about Visiting Sequoia National Park

How crowded is Sequoia National Park?

If you’re visiting Sequoia on a weekend or holiday, be aware that there could be traffic or limited parking. In summer months, the park may operate a shuttle system to help lessen congestion.

We found that mornings are the best times to explore the park as the traffic is minimal. If you can’t get here early morning on the first day, definitely plan on spending the night in the park so that you can have the park virtually to yourself in the early morning the next day.

Should you visit both Sequoia and Kings Canyon in one weekend?

Sequoia and Kings Canyon are administered jointly as one park (you pay for one, you pay for both) since they share a border — but I’d recommend visiting them on separate weekends if you’re local or spending an extra 1-2 days to visit both (so 3-4 days total).

Trying to see both in one weekend means you’ll miss out on a lot or else really rush through the experience.

See my 4-day joint Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks itinerary for how to combine the two parks into one trip.

Can you see Kings Canyon and Sequoia in one day?

I think visiting both Kings Canyon and Sequoia in one day would mean spreading yourself too thin. There’s a lot to see and do, and there’s also a lot of driving involved.

It’s about 30 miles, or an hour’s drive, between the two parks. It’s also about an hour’s drive to get up the mountain.

Is your goal to drive by everything and not get out, explore, hike, or enjoy the nature?

How many days do you need in Sequoia National Park?

At least one day, preferably two, depending on how far away you are. Sequoia is up in the mountains, a bit far from civilization, so traveling takes up a good chunk of time.

Which is better to visit — Redwoods or Sequoias?

Both. Both are incredible places to visit. They are each in very different parts of the state of California. The Redwoods are at the very top of northern California, near the ocean. The Sequoias are in the middle of the state, in the mountains near the Nevada border. Which area will you be traveling to?

Which is better — Sequoia or Kings Canyon?

I personally liked Sequoia better, but it is the more crowded park.

What should you not miss in Sequoia National Park?

Don’t miss the General Sherman Tree, Moro Rock, and the tunnel log!

Do you need reservations for Sequoia National Park?

You do not need a reservation to enter Sequoia National Park.

Is Sequoia National Park worth visiting?

Yes, absolutely. The Sequoias are one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever visited. These big, beautiful trees will stay in your memories long after you leave.

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